A Genius idea can come from Anywhere
Imagine if the collective genius of every person alive could be used to solve the big challenges of humanity.
That is why SOLUTIO exists
Here's our
Vision, Roadmap & Team.
SOLUTIO's Vision
A Genius idea can come from Anywhere
Imagine a world where anyone's ideas can reach the masses and be made into a product or solution.
Imagine if everyone who depends on an open source solution was able to contribute and share the costs to keep tools running and updated.
Imagine open source projects received funding to add the features most users need.
Imagine if Linux distributions received quick feedback and pledges to finance the development of pressing features.
Imagine a world where feedback happens publicly, and companies can't hide it or delete it.
Imagine if a 12-year old kid could make it big by fixing or improving an issue that affects millions of people, and earning a fair reward for the size of his contribution.
Imagine if a community that suffers from drought, could find other communities worldwide with similar issues, and crowdfund new solution globally, making it cheaper for everyone.
Imagine if political issues were discussed globally, instead of being restricted to countries or regions?
Imagine thousands of users pledging ideas they believe in, and earning a proportionate share of the projects they help build.
Imagine thousands of users competing to find the next great thing.
That is what you're here for.
That is why SOLUTIO exists.
2023, May
Research & Development
After a year of ideation and planning, this is when we started researching the technical details and testing different approaches.
2023, December
Prototype: Proof of Concept
Launch of the first Public test version, the Alpha. This version already has the core concept running, and is usable as is. It is called the Alpha because we want to guaranteeall functions are working through public testing, and to correct issues through user feedback.
2024, March
Pre-Alpha, the Backend
Complete the whole backend, consisting of a Juno database and two custom ICP Canisters: The Admin Canister and the Escrow Canister.
2024, April
Pre-Alpha, the Frontend
Rebuilding the whole frontend using a new UI, visual improvements and many, many, new features. This includes pages like ideas, feature-requests, solutions, user-profiles, and more.
2024, May
Feedback & Planning
With the backend and frontend complete, we will first invite selected users to test the app and help us find and squash any potential bugs. If you want to be invited, reach out on socials!
During this time we will also be planning the beta version and its features.
2024, May
Feedback & Planning
Also in May, we will launch the public alpha after the first round of tests. Now the public will have access and we will use the user's feedback to plan the features for the beta.
2024, July
The beta version will be rolled out in waves, each version of the Beta will add new feautres from a huge list we have planned. In what order these will be implemented is still up for debate, but expect features like: PWA (mobile version), push notifications, even more ways to earn, and a big huge secret feature which will change everything. More details about this after the public alpha.